Thursday, January 22, 2015

Week 2: Mkt 348 - Website Optimization

Nowadays, the key for success is to focus on your optimization, which means that you are always trying to make yourself close to the perfection; and that is kind of the job of a SEO. He is hired to make a website optimization constantly. However, a website optimization has different techniques, in which all of them are directed to find searchers.

One really important part of the optimization is to make the idea of the website clear when any person is looking for something online. One good way to make it clear is the META description ( the small letters under the website that pops up on Google research). This has a strong impact because is the first thing that the person would look, and to take the decision to click or not.

Week 2: Mkt 349 - How to manage a Google AdWords with your preferences

Google AdWords is a tool that is significantly helpful for many reasons. One of them is that you can manage your account and put your preferences on it. It means that you can select your target, your currency, your time zone, the budget that you are trying to spend with it, and the moment of the day that you want your advertisement to go up.

In this video, you can see how easy is to manage your account.

Therefore, with your preferences selected you can target more your company on the way that you think is better. It would facilitate you to find your buyer personas.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Week 1: Mkt 349 - Google AdWords

Google AdWords is a really important tool that many small and big companies are trying to explore a lot. With this tool you can make a clean and small advertisement, and the good thing is that you only have to pay if the customer click in your link and actually get in your website. In another words, you have your advertisement on the top of the page and you just pay when you get a potential customer.

Besides being an easy tool to manage, Google AdWords is providing relevant profits to companies. This is happening because of the low cost of each click and the high percentage of potential customers that it is bringing. Moreover, you can emphasize your company exactly the way want. You can choose key words for the research, as well as the period of the day that you want your advertisement to be on top, and the most significant thing is what I mentioned before: you attract the right people and you can find easily the buyer personas.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Week 1: Mkt 348 - Essentials of an Effective Inbound Strategy

Watching the video about the Inbound Strategy I could learn about a couple marketing strategies that successful companies are trying to do nowadays in order to attract the customers as well as find out what kind of customers they have to focus on. Firstly, we have to discuss a little bit about the difference between the traditional way and the new way to spread the product.
On one hand, Traditional Marketing is the type of strategy which the company puts advertisements everywhere in order to spread the brand or the product. Furthermore, they actually put the advertisement in moments that you are not looking for that. For instance, when you are trying to see a video on YouTube, it is very often pop up an ad about some brand. That is extremely dangerous for the company because the customer would not see and, moreover, would get a kind of a repugnance to this product.
On the other hand, the Inbound Strategy would focus much more on clean articles where you can see instantly what you want. In this strategy, you would attract the right people to your product. That is exactly to put the right people, in the right place, with no obstacles to make him or her give up on your product or service. Another way to see it is to think that if you are looking for something and you find a clean article about it, the effect on your mind would be a thousand times more significant than if you see an advertisement of something that you are not looking for. Nowadays, the buyers have all the powers, so as a marketing man you need to focus on them firstly, and then let them focus on you.

Talking about the inbound methodology, a successful marketing man has to focus on four steps in order to achieve the company goals: Attract, convert, close, delight. The first step is to make a portion of the 3 billion people, which have access to the internet, look at your page. So you have to attract strangers to be visitors. After this, you have to convert the visitors into leads, and then you have to make the leads turn into potential customers of your product. In the end, the most significant step is to make the customers a promoter – it means that they are more than happy buyers; they are people that are going to spread and indicate the company to their friends.