Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Week 8: Mkt 348 (SEO) - Bidding strategies

This week I'm going to talk more about bidding strategies. Bidding is exactly what decides fate of your PPC campaign. SEO certification stated that, "For example, let's suppose you're bidding on the keyword phrase 'search marketing' but do not know your max CPC. One way to estimate a max CPC involves taking the top 5 bids on Yahoo and computing the average. The current bids are: $0.51, $0.50, $0.33, $0.32, $0.31. The average is 39 cents. Use that as your max CPC to begin with." That is just an example of bidding; however, there are several other ways to see that.

On the other hand, you can use reverse calculation in order to see how much you can spend with PPC campaigns. In the reverse calculation, you calculate the profit that you are making with this kind of campaign and set up a budget for that. If you want more profit, invest more; and vice-versa.

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