Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Week 5: Mkt 348 (SEO) - Content optimization

For this week, I will keep talking about optimization; however, instead of talking about on-page optimization - like last week- I am going to cover deeply content optimization.

 Content optimizationWhile there are many characteristics of your content that are in the algorithmic calculations, there are a few that consistently hold relatively high priority. These are:

1. Heading Tags
2. Special Text (bold, colored, etc.)
3. Inline Text Links or Anchor text 
4. Keyword Density

The main important thing on the first one, is to always use those rules: Never use the same tag twice on a single page, try to be concise with your wording, use heading tags only when appropriate, if bold text will do then go that route, don't use CSS to mask heading tags. The second one is any part of your text that you want to pop up from the rest. It is often the most significant part of the content that you really want to stand out from the rest. You can bold it, underline, color it, highlight sizing it and italic. Inline text links are links that you put on your content to create value. In other words, instead of quote part of the link, you can put the link of an article on your text. The last, but not least, keyword density has 3 points that you should consider: algorithm is very complex, so you will never understand everything about it; the optimal keyword density algorithm change regularly; and, the keyword density for one search engine is not the same as it is for another.

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